Thursday, October 23, 2008

Plastic Crates

The challenge

You need a good crate for your process or supply chain. You want the crate to keep the quality of your products. You want to stack your crates when they’re full and nest or fold your crates when they’re empty, to save space and cost.
You need to protect your product from fungi and bacteria and you need a hygienic solution that is easy to clean. You need a solid or vented crate that can take the temperature range of your factory or fridge. You need a crate that will fit your conveyors and stay in good working condition for years and years.

The solution

Use Plastic2go's plastic crates! Our plastic crates significantly save you space and money. They’re stronger and more hygienic, they don’t break in humidity and you won’t have to replace them.

Plastic2go’s crates are foldable, stackable, nestable and easy to clean. They come in lot of different sizes, to suit your load and dimension requirements.

The benefits to you

Here are the main benefits of switching to plastic crates:
  • Plastic crates can be stacked, nested and/or folded – lower storage & transport costs
  • Plastic crates can be stored outside – lower storage costs
  • Plastic crates are much stronger than cardboard boxes and can be used in humid conditions – higher return on investment
  • Plastic crates can carry heavier loads – you can use them for metal parts, frozen products and other dense products
  • Plastic crates are cleaner. They do not absorb water or chemicals and cannot be used by bacteria or fungi – you can use them in clean areas for fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, poultry and lots more
  • Plastic crates can be solid or vented – you can store liquid, powder or products that require ventilation and/or a wide temperature range
  • Plastic crates can be recycled – you can even get paid when they break

Which plastic crates are best for you?

Plastic2go is an international manufacturer, wholesales, distributor and consultant in the plastic industry. We’ve found out over the years that our clients are all unique, so what you need is not plastic crates, but a storage and shipping solution.

Let our seasoned experts tailor the best solution for you. We’ll even custom-make products for you that nobody else can. Visit Plastic2go for more.

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